– for parents, coaches, relatives, caddies, friends –
ongoing training
Sign up anytime!
5-Session Program Fees
Individuals: $100
Groups of 10+: $75 per person
“The material is presented in a way that I have never seen before – and it’s outstanding!”
“I LOVED the program. Absolutely loved it!”
“This information is good for all coaches / support staff of all sports – it is even relevant to anyone managing employees.”
Support54 Remote Training
The Support54 Training Program gives anyone supporting a player the tools to best facilitate growth and development through your actions and communication.
You might be a parent, coach, relative, caddie, friend…
This 5-session remote training program gives you the tools to improve in your role as a support person to a player. You’ll learn the tools to best facilitate growth and development through your actions and communication. The training includes five sessions that you move through at your own speed. You will also have access to a Support54 Q&A group to share or ask any questions about the training content.
Key Learning Outcomes
Excellence – what is excellence and mastery all about.
Focus – where is it best for you to put your focus.
Ownership – how to support the player to be responsible and own their game.
Culture – how to create the best culture around the player.
Possibilities – what does it mean to be at your very best.
45 min / session self-paced training (no set times / no live sessions) +
digital training guide with video / audio instruction +
1 hr / session actionable practice assignments +
support from VISION54 coaches (via CoachNow) +
downloadable training PDFs for ongoing practice
Course Curriculum
This innovative, multi-platform, online training program is being brought to you – anywhere in the world – through the CoachNow app / website. The VISION54 principles are delivered using digital instruction, audio and video instruction, and actionable practice assignments since we know it’s by doing and exploring that these skills come alive. You train at your own pace through each session’s assignments with no schedule or live sessions. VISION54 coaches will offer support throughout the training program and you’re encouraged to interact with the other participants in the group.
Parents, coaches, relatives, caddies, friends of golfers. Parents, coaches, relatives, caddies, and friends of other sports and disciplines, or anyone interested in learning, are welcome to attend, with the knowledge that the context will be focused around golf.
VISION54 Coaches
5-Session Program Fees
Individuals: $100
Groups of 10+: $75 per person
*100% payment due at time of registration.
To sign up as an organzation, email InTouch@VISION54.com for fees & details.
Please send an email to InTouch@VISION54.com
Cancellation / Transfer Policy
Program fees are nonrefundable. Payments may be transferred to other remote programs within one year without penalty.