VISION54 eNews

VISION54 principles, performance tips & exercises, latest news, and updates – delivered to your inbox every month.


november v11.24 – between shots

For your swing and stroke to function on the golf course, you want a routine that helps you trust a decision, stay focused and committed during the shot, and have a way to react that keeps the momentum going.

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September v9.24 – Change… Or Not
We live in a time of constant change and development. No matter what happens, the non-technical skills will still be essential for you to perform up to your technical capabilities.
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June v6.24 – Be Your Best You
Our intention is to coach towards wellbeing and excellence – to have a healthy relationship to competition. Trophies and fame mean nothing if you don’t feel good inside yourself.
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May v5.24 – Non-Technical Skills
The Non-Technical Skills of golf are necessary to train and master for all golfers who want to know how to play your best.
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April v4.24 – Your Performance Routine
Technical Skills x Non-Technical Skills = Your Performance
The Think Box, Play Box, and Memory Box together, are what we call the Performance Routine. It’s what you want to do before, during, and after the shot to perform your best.
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February v2.24 – Playing the Game
We asked a few of the best caddies on the LPGA what they notice the top players do differently than other players. It was 27 years ago, but their answers and observations are still valid today. These are timeless attributes for playing the game. continue reading >>

January v1.24 – Peaceful Possibilities
Peaceful possibilities was our message during the transition to 2024. Your state and attitude will greatly influence your ability to perform. A state of peacefulness inside of you can always be beneficial for your golf game. An attitude of looking for possibilities in your game will always propel you in a good direction. continue reading >>

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December v12.23 – Your Signature Swing
We are continuing our commitment to create training and learning materials for your game. We have finished our next in-depth book, Signature Swing: Balance, Tempo, and Tension Awareness. It includes all of our best exercises for each skill, and learning about body awareness and paying attention. continue reading >>

November v11.23 – Be My Champion
A few weeks ago, Lynn and Pia went to the USGA headquarters in Far Hills, NJ to film and record six podcast episodes called Be My Champion. It’s one of the first projects for the US National Development Program. continue reading >>

October v10.23 – Who You Are & What You Do
It feels good to take in, appreciate, and be grateful for what each one of us DO & ACCOMPLISH. At the same time, it’s a good reminder that who you ARE is even more important! It’s being clear on who you are, or what you want to grow into being, that becomes the foundation for what and how you do things. continue reading >>

September v9.23 – Healthy Teams
It’s September and we can look forward to both the Solheim Cup and the Ryder Cup – the big professional team events in golf. It’s very exciting to watch and follow. One of the main reasons is the combination of an individual game and a team event. continue reading >>

August v8.23 – Spirit of the Game
Your performance over time has growth spurts, dips, and standing still on a plateau. The reasons can be Physical, Technical, Mental, Emotional, Social, or your intrinsic motivation – what we call your “Spirit of the Game.” How you perform is and always will be variable. continue reading >>

July v7.23 – BTT Body Calibration
Doing BTT exercises can never make things worse – only better. It will enhance your ability to be more present, more focused, and calibrate your body for good swings and strokes.
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June v6.23 – Body Presence
The state of your body is dynamic and ever-changing from day to day and during the round. You can make your technique function better by learning to calibrate your best BTT. continue reading >>

May v5.23 – Lessons in Time
In golf and life, we have the past, present, and the future. Capture the learnings from the past; set a vision for the future; and keep taking actions while being in the present. continue reading >>

April v4.23 – Trust the Process
From all that we know, the way to give a player the best chance of achieving great outcomes is to improve the process of playing. continue reading >>

March v3.23 – Promises
The habit of keeping promises to yourself and others is a profoundly essential habit one must create if they are going to realize their goals and VISION54. continue reading >>

February v2.23 – Attention
For you to have access to more of your abilities and possibilities – make sure to train your ability to pay attention. continue reading >>

January v1.23 – Let’s Practice!
This time of year, many of you are making plans for your golf game. It’s time to refresh what you choose to focus on. continue reading >>

Figure of Possibility