“In working with Lynn and Pia, I was delighted to experience their mastery at coaching human potential and achieving extraordinary performance in golf and life. Their belief and work with integrating the physical, mental and emotional through intention and practice is a model for the future.”
The SuperGolfer of the future will be able to manage themselves at any time. As a human we have a body, a mind and emotions. All three of these are dynamic and variable from day to day and during a round. All three influence your technique greatly. Every day and every round will always be an unknown, uncertain and variable. How good are you at managing that?
Who will be the first SuperGolfer to accomplish this for 18 holes:
Play Box – To be 100 percent present to every shot in my Play Box.
Think Box – To be 100 percent committed to my decision for every shot.
Memory Box – To be either objective / neutral or positive / happy in each of my post-shot reactions. My criteria for being happy about a shot is when it's great / good / good enough.
Balance – Finish in balance on all shots through the round.
Tempo – To be keenly aware of my tempo and adjust it efficiently when needed.
Tension Awareness – To know what tension level works best for me. To know where I have a tendency to create tension. To know how to shift it before a round and during a round.
Emotional Resilience – To manage my adrenaline level. To come off the golf course with more energy, more DHEA and feeling better about myself than when I started, no matter the outcome. To know how to perform in high-adrenaline situations.
Managing Self-Talk – To manage my self-talk and quiet my mind anytime I need to during a round.
Master of Variability – I can catch myself as soon as one of my NOT54 tendencies appears and start shifting back to MY54. To know how to create a MY54 state in warm-up.