– for all golfers –
(hdcp: 25 or lower)

Kristine Reese, Zach Theut & Team of VISION54 Coaches

Talking Stick Golf Club
9998 Talking Stick Way
Scottsdale, AZ 85256

Upcoming Dates >>
Program Details >>


DAy package – (2) 54Training + (1) 54play

Full Day

A day of training designed to empower you to be your own best coach. Explore what we call the Human Skills of the Game, or the non-technical fundamentals. Each day includes training assignments and intermittent coaching.

54Training Two 1.5hr range sessions designed to integrate the Human Skills into your game as you practice through exercises.

54PLAY Warmup and six holes on course training and exploring the Human Skills.

(Max student / coach ratio = 4:1)

*Junior Parents – this is a drop-off / pickup program, located at bag drop.
We are committed to providing a focused environment where all participants can receive the full benefits of their VISION54 training experience. If you wish, we encourage you to meet the coaches and listen to the program introduction for the first session.

Upcoming Dates

>> Click to Register: Adults / Juniors
Waitlist Registration: Adults / Juniors


  • December 28 – >> Join the Waitlist!

  • December 29 – >> Join the Waitlist!

  • December 30 – >> Join the Waitlist!


  • January 12

  • February 22

  • February 23

  • March 15

  • March 16

  • June 3

  • June 4

  • June 5

dividing line

Amateurs / Juniors (12-18) / Competitive Players / Alumni (hdcp: 25 or lower)

Approximate Times
54Training Session 1: 9:00 - 10:30am (June: 6:00 - 7:30am)
54Training Session 2: 11:00am - 12:30pm (June: 7:30 - 9:00am)
54PLAY Session: 1:45 - 3:45pm (June: 9:00 - 11:00am)
Lunch break on your own. You’re welcome to continue training between sessions.

Adult: $500 / Junior: $450
(Includes coaching and program materials. Accommodations not included.)
*100% payment due at time of registration.
Cancellation / Transfer Policy >>

If a program fills up, you can be added to the waitlist by emailing InTouch@VISION54.com and indicating which program / date you’re interested in.

Accommodations & Transportation
We recommend confirming program reservations prior to booking travel & accommodations.
Recommendations >>

Please send an email to InTouch@VISION54.com